"I think FairUse4WM is a good thing for the industry -- it demonstrates
that the entire world doesn't turn upside down when there's no effective
protection on content. I doubt subscription based services are impacted...the
value of a subscription is the continuing access to new titles, which isn't
dependent on the protection. "
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Why FairUse4WM was a good thing for the content business
Posted by rick at 14:28 1 comments
Labels: content, drm, fairuse4wm, microsoft
Friday, 23 November 2007
Sarkovsky in probably futile bid to stop online piracy
Posted by rick at 13:56 0 comments
Was Natwest Bank hacked last week?
Posted by rick at 00:47 0 comments
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Should we trust the home office with our data?
It's an uncomfortable truth within the new information economy that often data security is frequently treated in a cavalier and slack fashion. From my personal experience I have worked in organisations that would be quite happy to fling fifty grand at a new firewall, but would also allow thousands of unencrypted customer data records to be biked around on recordable CDs.
Similar instances are abundant.
Private information just isn't treated as the gold-dust that it is. We would never dream of transporting bank notes by courier, but data is often a different matter.
Will this lead to a dramatic re-evaluation of e-government, with a corresponding rolling back of centralised access to information? Somehow I doubt it.
Posted by rick at 12:46 0 comments
Friday, 16 November 2007
Why the chasm between the study and the lounge chasm saves Hollywood from meltdown
There was something faintly ludicrous about Warner Music withholding their content from the launch of the Nokia music service this week. The supposed reason for Warner's unexpected coldfeet was Nokia's other interests in the file-sharing site Ovi which is laughable but from my experience not at all surprising.
The short answer of course is that the whole music business is just a wafer away from total disaster. If you think the adjustments and consolidations we've seen so far are significant then just wait until the generation that grew up not paying for anything hits their thirties.
The video industry, while probably equally shafted in the long-run, is on a slightly slower time-line and in the short-term it's sheltered by the fact that nobody has yet put together the killer combination of hardware, software and ease of use that brings free file-sharing into the living room.
The study/lounge chasm is what keeps the DVD industry riding high. It goes like this:-
1. Most people have PCs and broadband on a desk in one room - that's where we watch Youtube and do our file-sharing. It's easy to get free files to here.
2. Most people have TVs and DVD players in another room - that's where they watch movies sat on the sofa.
Bridge rooms 1 and 2 and you have a winner and you can wipe 50% off Warner Video's next profit statement. Currently it's just too hard to move that movie from the study to the lounge. So people rent and buy DVDs, watch Freeview, and the Warner Video christmas party is still on.
Some people will say "Windows Media Centre!" at this point, and while it's a steadily improving piece of kit, it falls down on the facts. Using a PC with a remote is like typing with boxing gloves, and sitting with a wireless keyboard on your lap is a recipe for RSI. I've seen some studies that show that the majority of people who buy Media Centre PCs stick them in their studies anyhow and use them as high-end desktops.
Maybe two computers linked by wireless is the answer - but that's economically unfeasible at the moment for many people - and this has to work mass market to be a solution. The two computers option falls down again as anyone who's configuring a home network to link them together will tell you. It can be done. You just don't want to be the one doing it.
Intel had some interesting ideas here with Viiv, a flawed concept that had its heart in the right place for trying to make wireless networks easy to configure in the home. But Viiv has gone very quiet recently. Actually make that "dead".
Burning DVDs on your PC to play in the DVD player under the telly? For those with patience only and the industry obsession with CSS has next to killed this already for the legal download providers.
Some kind of smart terminal set-top box in the living room that can download movies and play them back may be the answer, and BT is probably nearest to this currently in the mass-market, but you'll still need a proper PC to do the file-sharing unless BT put Bit-torrent on BT Vision. They won't.Media extender type set-top boxes are another option, but again currently the amount of configuration required both on PC and set-top box is too high a barrier - and they're expensive. And mainly crap.
But when some bright spark works it out, expect the end to arrive swiftly. What price a total collapse of the physical DVD industry? A return to reliance on theatrical income for major movies, and a slashing back of production costs for everybody else?
Unthinkable? Maybe - but then who would have predicted live performance being such a proportionately big part of so many music acts income 10 years ago? Radiohead giving their music away with an honesty box? Large parts of the population streaming music all day for free a la Last.fm?
And of course most of the people in the world are living in this copy-rightless free-for-all state already. As the picture shows maybe it's time for Hollywood to stop taking their public for a free meal-ticket and come back to the real world.
Posted by rick at 14:31 0 comments
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
Is the game up for Babelgum and the video minnows?
Posted by rick at 15:04 0 comments
Monday, 12 November 2007
FTSE falls reveal the unspoken
Posted by rick at 14:45 0 comments
Friday, 9 November 2007
Robot cars fight it out in the ghost-town
There's no doubting the technical skill of this year's entrants in the US Military Robot Car Competition, but it's probably worth a little pause for thought about where this all leads.
So the minute you declare victory, the local youths pop down to the regional equivalent of B&Q, jump on Google - and half an hour later are planting a bomb by the side of the road.
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Seeing as I'm covered in petrol...
Despite the fact that we've parted company - this still made me larf.
V. funny Mr Sisam.
Posted by rick at 01:31 0 comments
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
And so to the Autumn festival...
This morning I attended my kids' Harvest festival, except no I didn't - I attended their Autumn Festival. I'm not sure this is a politically correct name-change - just more perhaps a reflection that in these days of supermarket strawberries from Zimbabwe the idea of a seasonal harvest is slightly obsolete.
I wonder whether this is how the old Pagan festivals morphed out of existence. For years our forebears would turn up for a good old Yule knees up, then it was just a mid-winter hoe-down, and before the olde englanders knew it the Christians had nipped in and we had the twelve days of christmas.
Anyway it was an enjoyable, if random celebration, which was heart-warming to see - although I'm not sure if the pensioners who sat in the reserved seats in the front two rows really understood the relevance of the three High School musical tunes tacked on the end, and belted out with gusto by years 3-6.
Still they went home with a box of very assorted groceries to help them out so I'm sure they were happy. If they liked soup and beans that is.
Posted by rick at 16:03 0 comments
Monday, 5 November 2007
Near death firework experience...
So the moral of the weekend is - don't put two rockets into one launching tube.
Obvious to many, but apparently not to my brother-in-law who tried aforementioned trick on saturday night.
As the first rocket sailed into the sky it blew the other back down just enough to prevent it gaining altitude. The second rocket flew through the air in a gentle arc of 15 feet or so before landing at the feet of the massed ranks of parents and toddlers standing on the patio. It then exploded with one piece bouncing off my brother-in-laws forehead, our poor mate Phil's eyebrow, into the kitchen and onto an interior glass door before bouncing out onto the patio again, where it came to rest under my father-in-law's chair. The other piece went past my left ear before exploding a yard away.
I couldn't hear for about 30 seconds in one ear, Phil now has a burnt eye-brow, and brother in law one (innocent party) then nearly kicked seven bells out of brother-in-law 2 (dud rocket launcher).
Order was soon restored however, and we all lived to tell the tale. Kids now have a healthy respect for fireworks to the extent that my youngest is now nearly too scared to hold a sparkler.
This may be a positive to take from this. Sort of. Maybe not.
Posted by rick at 00:44 0 comments